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Ways to Effectively Thicken Hair


Both men and women are experiencing the thinning hair or hair loss. There are many ways to get thicker hair and getting to know about these is very important to solve the problem. Below are some tips that can help someone with thinning hair problems:


When learning How to Reduce Hair Loss after Pregnancy, keep in mind that there are three phases or stages that the hair undergoes. The anagen cycle is the first one, which is said to be the growth stage. Catagen is the next one and is the stage where the hair rests before the final cycle. The telogen is the last stage or phase of hair. The goal is to have a quick cycle or process for the hair to grow as much as possible.


Rather than self-medicating or making diagnosis on your own, what needs to be done is to visit your doctor. This is because thinning hair can also be signs of problems with the thyroid or effects of giving birth. The doctor will have to conduct tests first, to discover if the problem is related to serious diseases and from there, provide the best solutions.


Massage is also a great technique to thicken hair as blood circulation is improved and stimulated. As the hair follicles are stimulated, growth becomes more effective. This should be done daily for just ten to fifteen minutes. With the use of coconut oil or the best shampoo for dry hair, this should be applied at least twice in a week, all over the scalp.


The laser light comb is the latest technology in hair thickening solutions. The hair follicles are relived ad revitalized with the use of laser energy. The results are not as quick though, as the patient will have to wait for at least four months to see the improvement. But it's all worth the wait as the difference will be very visible afterwards.


Someone's diet can also play an important role in his or her hair condition. If processed food is what your meals are composed of, then you are at very high risk of having unhealthy hair growth. This is because the hair does not get the much needed vitamins and minerals that it should with these types of food. Relevant details regarding this are displayed at Instead, fresh food must be incorporated in the diet. Find food that are rich in folic acid such as soy and wheat. Keratin is also made available with the help of Vitamin C that can be found in citric fruits as well as tomatoes.

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